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U'bilee staring into the Black Shroud

The Mystery Of Aether's Way Part I: An Introduction

Few stories of Eorzea are as mysterious - and obscure - as the disappearance of the group known as Aether’s Way. Established shortly after the Battle of Carteneau, and guided by their enigmatic leader known only as G’rhuhnu, the small community would become infamous both for their secluded nature, and ill-fated attempt to build a colony in Eastern La Noscea....

Published In Issue 31 On June 19, 2023 ·  5 min ·  U'bilee Odh
Babbit Alaisa stands near broken furniture in Haukke Manor

A Night In Haukke Manor

If you’re an adventurer, you’ve no doubt crossed paths with the mysterious Haukke Manor, buried deep within the Sorrel Haven of the Central Shroud. Its name, Haukke, comes from ancient Padjali, meaning “to speak without words....

Published In Issue 9 On October 24, 2022 ·  4 min ·  Babbler Staff
A ghostly blue elephant in Empyreum

EMET-SELCH Reveals Latest Evidence In Search for 'Blue Elephant'

Empyreum is abuzz tonight with an ethereal blue glow, but it’s not ghosts - not yet, anyway! The housing district currently finds itself covered in aetherometers, selectively placed all around Ishgard by the EMET-SELCH paranormal investigations team....

Published In Issue 8 1/2 On October 17, 2022 ·  3 min ·  Babbler Staff
The Ghost of Edda in Gridania

The Ghosts Of Eorzea: Real Sightings, Or Just Our Imaginations?

Did you know? On a dark cold night, under full moonlight, some say you can spot ghosts lurking about in the city-states, or even at some common vacation spots. No, really!...

Published In Issue 9 On October 24, 2022 ·  2 min ·  Babbler Staff
Photo of a ghostly elephant in Empyreum

The Hunt for the Blue Elephant Begins

(Above photo allegedly taken by Voynomir Yovasch on October 3, 2022) For months, reports of unusual sightings in Ishgard’s new Empyreum housing district have left residents bewildered and, in many cases, downright terrified....

Published In Issue 8 On October 10, 2022 ·  5 min ·  Babbit Alaisa
Brigit near the mysterious wall at Moraby Bay

The Walls Have Eyes: A Moraby Drydocks Mystery (for Sprouts)

It’s no secret that I’m a novice adventurer. I still have my sprout badge, and spend a lot of time in places more hardened and world-traveled adventurers wouldn’t think twice to look at....

Published In Issue 5 On August 29, 2022 ·  2 min ·  Brigit A.
Floor Reaper under the theater seats of the Chobo Revue

Don't Fear the Floor Reaper: Part 2

While thousands lament their lack of housing, those who do own property might have something else to worry about. Special investigative reporter and paranormal expert Lopp Yasaburo brings us the latest info on the mischevous Floor Reapers....

Published In Issue 4 1/2 On August 22, 2022 ·  2 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Floor Reaper under the theater seats of the Chobo Revue

Don't Fear the Floor Reaper

While thousands lament their lack of housing, those who do own property might have something else to worry about. Special investigative reporter and paranormal expert Lopp Yasaburo brings us the latest info on the mischevous Floor Reapers....

Published In Issue 4 On August 15, 2022 ·  3 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Brigit standing outside the Coffer and Coffin

The Venue Event that Never Was: A Thanalan Conspiracy?

The Coffer & Coffin. One of the oldest and most popular venues in Central Thanalan. It hosts a number of returning patrons, who you’ll likely find, at any given hour of the day, drinking and chatting quietly within....

Published In Issue 3 On August 1, 2022 ·  2 min ·  Brigit A.

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