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Issue 60 Babbler 2023 Awards!

Welcome, Eorzea, to my new weekly (probably) segment, Babbit Babbles, where I just talk about whatever! This week, I wanted to feature a kind of Babbler retrospective. I wanted to have a “year in review” sort of thing for our issue on January 1, but that didn’t happen for a variety of reasons (read: life), so this will have to do....

January 23, 2024 · 3 min ·  Babbler Staff
Babbit poses next to a snowman in Empyreum

Starlight 2023 Events

Starlight officially kicked off on Friday the 15th, and with it came a bunch of adventurer-run events to celebrate the season! But first, everyone had to visit Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre in Old Gridania to get their new Unorthodox Saint’s outfits!...

Published In Issue 57 On December 18, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Babbler Staff

How To: Waterfloat!

Hi class! I guess? It’s winter break, like class is over?? What are you doing coming in? I’m literally on vacation! Well! Fine, since you came… all the way to my private resort… Um… Okay yeah, this will do!...

Published In Issue 58 On December 25, 2023 ·  1 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
The Tower Of Namazu, with dozens of Golden Namazu mounts stacks in a pyramid around the Mor Dhona aetheryte!

The Golden Tower Of Namazu

This week, I put together a couple videos highlighting two events that happened during the Cloud Data Center Stress Test back at the end of November! The test ran from November 20 to November 27, and it was a pretty fun time....

Published In Issue 56 On December 11, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Babbler Staff
Lopp waves from within the Gold Saucer

How To: Triple Triad!

Hello, class! Today’s lesson is about gambling, so if you do not have a waiver signed by your parents, I’m afraid you will have to go to the gymnasium and watch a video on Chocobo lice....

Published In Issue 56 On December 11, 2023 ·  4 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Babbit looks confused while wearing reindeer antlers and a shiny nose

Managing An Inventory Crisis

Eorzea, I have a hoarding problem! Here’s a look at my inventory over the weekend. It’s a mess. You may even be wondering why I have almost 2,000 coconuts. Inventory can be a tough thing to manage here in Eorzea....

Published In Issue 55 On December 4, 2023 ·  3 min ·  Babbler Staff
Lopp at the Archer's Guild!

How To: Unlock Bard Performance!

The keen eyed among you might recognize the backdrop as the Archer’s Guild! I have spent a ton of time there, being a Bard, but did you know there is more to it than arrows and bows?...

Published In Issue 54 On November 27, 2023 ·  1 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Babbit talks to Khloe at her Wondrous Tails stall

Wondrous Tails & You!

While I didn’t quite finish my other book quest this week (Relics!), I did have some luck with my latest edition of Wondrous Tails! Two lines! I’ve had three lines at least once in the past, but this time, with two lines, I got my second silver certificate and was able to finally get that Cait Sith ribbon I’ve been wanting....

Published In Issue 53 On November 20, 2023 ·  3 min ·  Babbler Staff
Tomestone merchants at Idyllshire

What To Do With Your Unspent Tomestones!

If you’ve already upgraded all your gear and you have a pile of tomestones just existing in your pocket waiting to be spent, you actually have a few options so they don’t go to waste!...

Published In Issue 52 On November 13, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Babbler Staff

How To: Cutting Corners in the Black Shroud

Hello, class! Autumn is almost over! I hope you all have your parkas ready! This week, I have prepared a brief lesson for you, one that might save you some time when you are trying to head to the South Shroud!...

Published In Issue 52 On November 13, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo

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