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Thirty-Nintey (And an Eighty for Good Measure)

Hello adventurers! For everyone who equips themselves and heads out into the untamed wilds, there is a different dream to reach for. Some seek fame and glory, others treasure, and for some, it is to transform themselves into the best version of who they want to be....

Published In Issue 67 On March 4, 2024 ·  4 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
A paladin standing with a sword and shield in front of flames and an eclipsed sun

Kill 'Em With Kindness: The Brutality Of Being Nice

Have you ever been in a supermarket to get just one thing, but it feels as though the universe deigned to trap you there by sending all the worst people out at once?...

Published In Issue 45 On September 25, 2023 ·  10 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
A Miqo'te slaps a guard at the Adders' Nest

Oh My GM!

Even though I am not a big fan, occasionally I can get really into a Western. Something about the setting just does something for me. The proto-modern fashions, the rickety old buildings, dirt roads, untamed wilderness… there is beauty in it....

Published In Issue 35 On July 17, 2023 ·  11 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Lopp pondering things in front of a dresser

Identity Indemnity

Beaches come in a variety of flavors. While many might think of something sandy or tropical, beaches can also be rocky or even frozen. Still, they all share something in common: They’re the strips of land meeting the sea, ocean, and even lakes, in some cases....

Published In Issue 33 On July 3, 2023 ·  7 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Crafters at the Weavers' Guild

Death by a Thousand Cuts: What to do when Enough is Enough

People say diamonds are forever, but how long do they really last? Many believe them to be incredibly strong, indestructible gems, earning them the “forever” reputation. However, they can actually break quite easily....

Published In Issue 21 On April 10, 2023 ·  11 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Spiderman Points At Spiderman

The Discontent With Content

Picture it: You wake up one day and head down to your favorite amusement park only to discover that, for some reason, no one else has decided to attend today’s opening....

Published In Issue 20 On March 27, 2023 ·  7 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Overhead view of crowds at Limsa Lominsa

Community Or Calamity

Empires are powerful, expansive beasts that, despite their unfathomable size, somehow are able to expand and flourish under the right conditions. And even though they can seem like impervious giants, simple deterioration over time can cause calamitous ruin....

Published In Issue 18 On February 27, 2023 ·  9 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
A troll solving the Trolly Problem

The Troll-y Problem

You are a tuna. You float through the ocean, without worry, living happily with your tuna family and friends. Life is good and about to get better, as a delicious-looking treat glides in front of you without warning....

Published In Issue 16 On January 30, 2023 ·  9 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo

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