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Empyreum Ghosts

Large Problem Fits (Spirit) Medium: A Spiritualist's Attempt At Unraveling the 'Blue Ghost'

Residents of Empyreum are breathing a little easier tonight as self-proclaimed Ul’dahn medium Kurumi Kanade launches her own investigation into the enigmatic ‘blue elephant’ sightings. While the team over at EMET-SELCH have not yet given up, their newer scientific methods of tracking spirits have left some skeptical....

Published In Issue 8 1/2 On October 17, 2022 ·  3 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
A ghostly blue elephant in Empyreum

EMET-SELCH Reveals Latest Evidence In Search for 'Blue Elephant'

Empyreum is abuzz tonight with an ethereal blue glow, but it’s not ghosts - not yet, anyway! The housing district currently finds itself covered in aetherometers, selectively placed all around Ishgard by the EMET-SELCH paranormal investigations team....

Published In Issue 8 1/2 On October 17, 2022 ·  3 min ·  Babbler Staff
Photo of a ghostly elephant in Empyreum

The Hunt for the Blue Elephant Begins

(Above photo allegedly taken by Voynomir Yovasch on October 3, 2022) For months, reports of unusual sightings in Ishgard’s new Empyreum housing district have left residents bewildered and, in many cases, downright terrified....

Published In Issue 8 On October 10, 2022 ·  5 min ·  Babbit Alaisa
Floor Reaper under the theater seats of the Chobo Revue

Don't Fear the Floor Reaper: Part 2

While thousands lament their lack of housing, those who do own property might have something else to worry about. Special investigative reporter and paranormal expert Lopp Yasaburo brings us the latest info on the mischevous Floor Reapers....

Published In Issue 4 1/2 On August 22, 2022 ·  2 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Floor Reaper under the theater seats of the Chobo Revue

Don't Fear the Floor Reaper

While thousands lament their lack of housing, those who do own property might have something else to worry about. Special investigative reporter and paranormal expert Lopp Yasaburo brings us the latest info on the mischevous Floor Reapers....

Published In Issue 4 On August 15, 2022 ·  3 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo

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