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A detective and his assistant stand in the Gold Saucer

Detective Foils Mahjong Tournament Conspiracy, 1577

The city of Ul’Dah was abuzz with excitement last week, as the Manderville Gold Saucer hosted its annual Mahjong tournament. Thousands of players flocked to the venue, eager to test their skills and win big prizes....

Published In Issue 37 On July 31, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Babbler Staff
The Moogle Balloon at Moogle's Gift Mounts

Shifting Moogle Balloon Causes Uncertainty In Bentbranch

A storm is brewing in the Black Shroud, but it’s not the usual dark and thundering gloom that many in the area are likely familiar with. No, these particular storm clouds are gathering over the otherwise peaceful Bentbranch Meadows, and a little place called Moogle’s Gift Mounts....

Published In Issue 16 1/2 On February 6, 2023 ·  3 min ·  U'bilee Odh
P'pol waving from the Azim Steppe

Put on Some Pantheons

Howdy-do, P’pollerinos! It’s me, P’pol! P’pol Orubasay! Don’t tell me you forgot about me already, did you? Admittedly, I was pretty worried myself there for a bit that I would be lost to time… somehow, my original plan for a prison break got out!...

Published In Issue 49 On October 23, 2023 ·  11 min ·  P'pol Orubasay

Legacy Papers of Eorzea

You know, The Babbler isn’t the only paper floating around in Eorzea. There are a few with storied histories stretching all the way back to before the Calamity. Some of their older issues are hard to find, but luckily, thanks to leftover Allagan technology called the Internet, copies of their articles do still exist!...

Published In Issue 40 On August 21, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Babbler Staff
P'pol waves from inside an Empire prison

Prison Is A State of the Universe

Hiya friends! It’s me, Prisoner 841773, but you can call me P’pol! That’s right! I am in the slammer, a real pig in the pen… I don’t really like calling myself a pig because it feels mean and I have it rough as it is now, but what can you do!...

Published In Issue 43 On September 11, 2023 ·  8 min ·  P'pol Orubasay
Western Black Shroud

The Mystery Of Aether's Way Part IV: Into The West?

There are many possibilities regarding the ultimate fate of Aether’s Way, though several experts believe they may have simply journeyed too far into the Shroud, and ended up somewhere they should not have been....

Published In Issue 34 On July 10, 2023 ·  3 min ·  U'bilee Odh
Paternal Parental Figures

Happy Paternal Parental Figure Day!

As the months pass by and the seasons change to bring us warmer weather, perfect for grilling, lawn care, and fighting over the temperature of one’s home, what better time to celebrate fathers than now?...

Published In Issue 31 On June 19, 2023 ·  6 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
P'pol waves from deep within The Empire

Is The Empire So Bad?

Howdy P’polsters! It’s your favorite field correspondent, P’pol Orubasay! Last we spoke, I got really into music while waiting for Ishgard to grant me safe haven! It was a long and arduous wait, and after months and months… Still nothing!...

Published In Issue 29 On June 5, 2023 ·  6 min ·  P'pol Orubasay
P'pol In Coerthas

P'pol's Guide to Coerthas

Hello readers! It’s been a while! After my last story definitively PROVING that Hydaelyn is a cube (or at least flat), I had to go into hiding until the heat died down....

Published In Issue 19 On March 13, 2023 ·  8 min ·  P'pol Orubasay
Ixal camp in the Black Shroud

Ixal Well that Ends Well

Dew drops gather on leaves. As the sun peeks out through the many branches of Treespeak, several shop owners prepare for their day at Fallgourd Float carrying sacks and barrels from the small dock to the south of the town....

Published In Issue 17 On February 13, 2023 ·  10 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo

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