Hydaelyn: Well Rounded or Falling Flat?
We have all heard the whispers. The Grand Companies are secretly led by Ixal people genetically engineered by the Empire. Aether Crystal travel is a way for those in power to mind control you....
We have all heard the whispers. The Grand Companies are secretly led by Ixal people genetically engineered by the Empire. Aether Crystal travel is a way for those in power to mind control you....
A whole new data center has opened up, Eorzea, and with it come four new worlds! Are you planning to move over to Dynamis? Maybe start fresh and try one more time to get that plot of your dreams?...
If you’re an adventurer, you’ve no doubt crossed paths with the mysterious Haukke Manor, buried deep within the Sorrel Haven of the Central Shroud. Its name, Haukke, comes from ancient Padjali, meaning “to speak without words....
Did you know? On a dark cold night, under full moonlight, some say you can spot ghosts lurking about in the city-states, or even at some common vacation spots. No, really!...