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Lopp screams at the Limsa Lominsa aetheryte plaza

Attention Deficit: Ads, Ads, Ads!!!

It’s another beautiful morning. You wake up feeling refreshed from a night in the dream bed at the inn. You look around the room and consider how nice it would be to be able to rearrange the furniture, knowing that unless another neighborhood expansion is built or you are gifted a billion gil, your chances of home ownership are next to nil....

Published In Issue 60 On January 15, 2024 ·  13 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo

I'm Leaving (Not Really)

Eorzea, how many times have you seen this happen: A member of your community loudly proclaims that they’ve had enough and they’re leaving everything behind forever, only to either not leave at all or show up again two months later?...

Published In Issue 61 On January 22, 2024 ·  3 min ·  Babbler Staff
A many-headed dragon monster

Criss Cross Travelsauce

For those unfamiliar, Hydras are legendary beasts (some might say monsters) known for a unique trait that makes them nigh impossible to slay for a typical warrior. With a long, exposed neck, one would assume that this would be its weakest point, something to strike with fury before the battle grows out of hand....

Published In Issue 41 On August 28, 2023 ·  12 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
A Miqo'te slaps a guard at the Adders' Nest

Oh My GM!

Even though I am not a big fan, occasionally I can get really into a Western. Something about the setting just does something for me. The proto-modern fashions, the rickety old buildings, dirt roads, untamed wilderness… there is beauty in it....

Published In Issue 35 On July 17, 2023 ·  11 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Crafters at the Weavers' Guild

Death by a Thousand Cuts: What to do when Enough is Enough

People say diamonds are forever, but how long do they really last? Many believe them to be incredibly strong, indestructible gems, earning them the “forever” reputation. However, they can actually break quite easily....

Published In Issue 21 On April 10, 2023 ·  11 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Babbit dances while dressed as Shantae in her venue

Just Go For It: The Up & Downs Of Running A Venue

Around last September, I wrote about my bizarre experience with a new venue opening, which the owner claimed was going to be a grand concert hall, offering both scheduled performances and open stage nights....

Published In Issue 18 1/2 On March 6, 2023 ·  5 min ·  Babbler Staff
A troll solving the Trolly Problem

The Troll-y Problem

You are a tuna. You float through the ocean, without worry, living happily with your tuna family and friends. Life is good and about to get better, as a delicious-looking treat glides in front of you without warning....

Published In Issue 16 On January 30, 2023 ·  9 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
A beggar in Ul'dah receive a venue gift card

Give It Away, Give It Away, Give It Away Now

If you have opened Party Finder or seen some advertisements as of late, you may have found yourself stunned at the incredible levels of wealth that is up for grabs. I do not mean the recent boom in the crafter market, though to be sure, there is a veritable gil mine within....

Published In Issue 15 On January 16, 2023 ·  11 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
P'pol standing within a colorful housing nightmare

P'pol's Guide To Venues!

Another number goes up on the collective counter! What does that mean? Not a ton! But just as the arrival of Spring can symbolize new life, the coming of a new year is a marker to usher in rebirth!...

Published In Issue 14 On January 2, 2022 ·  7 min ·  P'pol Orubasay
A blue chandelier at a club

The Commodity Of Fun

Author’s Note: This article is not going to pretend to be anything akin to “in-character,” as the subject matter is not suited to that particular writing style. This is a controversial topic and will likely offend some....

Published In Issue 13 On December 19, 2022 ·  18 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo

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